CCFI Partners for Trust Webinar Series
The Canadian Centre for Food Integrity is partnering with the Grocery Manufacturers Association Science Education Foundation (GMA SEF) for a three-part webinar series on consumer trust.
The series, “Engage: Building Trust with Today’s Consumer,” kicked off Wed., Aug. 4, with “Today’s Consumer and the Erosion of Trust.”
CCFI’s Roxi Beck and Jana McGuire are conducting the sessions, which are designed to help participants understand the importance of shared-values communication in building trust and how to effectively communicate science.
“Truly connecting isn’t simply about providing consumeres more information, but that’s often the go-to approach,” said Beck. “To build trust and credibility, and ensure that information is considered by consumers, we must lead with our values.”
In the first webinar, Beck and McGuire discussed the erosion of consumer trust and CCFI consumer trust research, and introduced the concept of values messaging.
The next session, “Why Values Matter,” Wed., Oct. 14, 1 to 2 p.m. EDT, will detail why communicating with values is powerful and the three steps to effective engagement.
The final session, “How to Make Science Make Sense,” takes place Wed., Dec. 1, from 1 to 2 p.m. EDT, and covers which messages and messengers matter most, and how to effectively communicate to build trust and ensure that today’s skeptical consumers consider the science as they make decisions about food, how it’s produced and who’s producing it.
Click here to register. For questions about the webinar series, email Weiyi Zhao, program director for GMA SEF, or call 202-637-8460.